
Who we Serve

These Are A Few of The Industries We Serve

We support a variety of industries such as the defense industrial base, port and maritime, federal, enterprise commercial, public safety and private organizations and provide them with peace of mind and confidence in meeting cyber security and information assurance program objectives within their organization.

Critical Manufacturing

SecureXperts, works with leading edge manufacturers systems integrators and product designers from around the world to design security frameworks for network connected IOT devices.

These devices leverage the use of SecureXperts federal and commercial trusted certificate authorities to issue hardware device certificates for network authentication, digital signing, encryption and key management.

Ports and Maritime

SecureXperts, works with leading edge manufacturers SecureXperts, can assist in the securing of banking and financial transactional information protecting personal identifiable information from inadvertent disclosure data breach and ransomeware attacks.

SecureXperts can also provide compliance assessments with PCI, GLBA, SOX and GDPR.

Banking & Financial Services

SecureXperts, works with leading edge manufacturers SecureXperts, can assist in the securing of banking and financial transactional information protecting personal identifiable information from inadvertent disclosure data breach and ransomeware attacks.

SecureXperts can also provide compliance assessments with PCI, GLBA, SOX and GDPR.


SecureXperts works with K-12 as well as colleges and Universities to protect facilities and cyber physical systems using CHAVE enabled enterprise surveillance systems. By establishing joint communications between federal and local law enforcement to prevent active shooter and explosives and weapon detection.

Energy & Utilities

SecureXperts, works with leading edge manufacturers SecureXperts provides compliance assessments NERC-CIP for electrical power transmission and distribution systems. We implement baseline security controls and monitor security baselines to provide assurance that targeted attacks against power grids do not adversely affect our customers or citizens.


We also provide installation and configuration of security solutions ranging from data protection systems and smart cards and firewalls to monitoring non-vendor specific in using and suggesting the best mix of solution(s) for each individual client. IT professionals savvy enough to rely on “outside” expertise to augment their existing staff has a distinct advantage by retaining a team of information security professionals to assist in protecting and strengthening their network environments. Management has a distinct benefit by utilizing industry security professionals whose expertise rivals second to none.